Canarium odontophyllum Miq. or locally known as ‘dabai’, is one of the popular underutilised fruits of Sarawak, Malaysia. Sarawak is one of states located in Borneo Island that rich with underutilized fruits.
Dabai Contains and its benefits:
1. Antioxidant
Reduce the signs of aging by minimizing wrinkles and preserving the texture of the skin. They can even protect your skin from sun damage, and reduce the incidence of sunburn.
2. Lipid
Produce energy. Help support and protect vital organs including your heart, kidneys, liver and spleen.
3. Magnesium
Lowering the risk of coronary heart diseases. Beneficial to the cardiovascular system. With a good sources of potassium and magnesium, are consistently associated with lowering blood pressure. Furthermore, it treats diabetes, treats migraines, insomnia, and depression.
4. Calcium
Increase bone mass in both growing children and young adults, and it can decrease bone loss during aging. Calcium also prevent weight gain because it promotes more fat to be burned and less fat to be stored.
5. Fatty acids
Help you look good, as a diet low in these fatty acids has been shown to create skin problems, including eczema, dandruff, split nails and brittle hair. Fatty acids regulate blood pressure, immune responses and liver function, as well as help with blood clotting and breaking down cholesterol.
6. Anthocyanin
Cancer Prevention. Allergy Relief. Better Eyesight. Heart Health. Weight Loss. Ulcer Treatment. Effective in preventing retinopathy, a diabetic condition that can lead to blindness. Anti-inflammatory due in part because they prevent blood-vessel damage. And may be useful in fighting chronic inflammation.
7. Phenolic compounds
Cancer Prevention. Antioxidants. Healthy Aging.
Dabai fruit is a potential fruit with double set of benefits, which its lipids tend to produce a better blood lipid profile while the high content of phenolic compounds gives antioxidant effects.
There are several products (mayonnaise, sauces, chips, pickles and soap) have been developed from this fruit for local markets. – Dezatiee Blogspot