A visit to Sarawak noodle factory / 砂捞越干捞麵厂 0 8522

Sarawak kolo mee has been a staple food for most of the Sarawakian. A Special thanks to Min Noodles Supply. I have a chance to visit this factory in Kuching on how Sarawak Kolo mee (noodle) is made. The basic ingredients for Sarawak Kolo mee are flour, eggs and water. Just like pasta, it’s also come in different shapes and sizes. These are the similarities:
• 麵薄 / flat & thin / fettuccine
• 手工麵 / long cylindrical / spaghetti
• 毬麵 / curl & springy / fusilli lunghi bucati
• 饺皮 / square flat sheet / tortellini or ravioli

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80 burung mati disyaki diracun 0 5844

Sebanyak 80 burung ditemui mati bergelimpangan di Taman Wawasan Indah, Langkawi, sejak dua hari lalu, dipercayai akibat diracun.

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Siapa Tak Mahu – Dato’ Sri Siti Nurhaliza (Official Music Video) 0 6471

Title : Siapa Tak Mahu Artiste: Dato’ Sri Siti Nurhaliza Executive Producer : Dato’ Sri Siti Nurhaliza & Kenny Ong Producer : Omar K & John Jeevasingham Composer : John Jeevasingham (O/P: Replay Music S/P: Warner-Chappel), Ikhwan Fatanna (Nova Music), Omar K (World Peace Entertainment) Lyric : John Jeevasingham (O/P: Replay Music S/P: Warner-Chappel), Ikhwan Fatanna (Nova Music), Omar K (World Peace Entertainment) Acoustic Guitar and Electric Guitar : John Jeevasingham Mixing : John Jeevasingham at Soar Studio


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