Borneo From Above Episode 3 – Samarahan 0 5873

Borneo From Above (Samarahan) | The Samarahan Division includes the districts of Samarahan, Asajaya and Simunjan, and the Sub-Districts of Sadong Jaya and Sebuyau. Samarahan, also known as Pekan Muara Tuang due to it being located between two rivers – Tuang River and Samarahan River, currently known as Orang Rajin Bertandang.

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80 burung mati disyaki diracun 0 5742

Sebanyak 80 burung ditemui mati bergelimpangan di Taman Wawasan Indah, Langkawi, sejak dua hari lalu, dipercayai akibat diracun.

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