Attractions at Gunung Gading, Kuching 0 8580

Gunung Gading National Park is located near the small town of Lundu in Southwest Sarawak. Previously, Gunung Gading was established as a Forest Reserve in 1929 and gazetted as a National Park in 1983 with a total area of 4,196 ha.  Gunung Gading National Park is one of the best places in Asia to view the spectacular blooms of the Rafflesia, a genus of leafless parasitic plant that produces the world’s largest flower. After 10 years as a conservation zone to protect these unusual plants, the park opened to visitors in 1994.

Have you ever seen Borneo’s unique flower? The genus Rafflesia is a group of parasitic plants that are classified within the family of Rafflesiaceae, together with one other genus (Rhizanthes) in Southeast Asia. The largest bloom that was ever recorded at Gunung Gading was 91 cm in diameter. Most flowers are found on the lower slopes of the mountain. Our staffs recorded 68 flowers at Gunung Gading in 1997. The entire Rafflesia plant consists of a single flower devoid of leaf, stem or roots. The five thick, fleshy petals are red and covered with lighter coloured spots, warts, and blotches. When in full bloom, the flower emits a faint carrion-like odour which attracts flies and other insects also the plant only flowers for 4 to 6 days only.


Although there are a few short steep sections, this trail is fairly easy and takes about 1 to 1.5 hours for the one way trip. It follows the Lundu river and passes seven waterfalls, although not all of the waterfalls are accessible. Waterfalls one, three and seven are signposted and the trail passes through stately dipterocarp forest. Before reaching the seventh waterfall, a short section of the waterfall trail coincides with a path consisting of concrete blocks, that leads from the Park Headquarters to a dam. The concrete blocks are followed for only about 50 m to the continuation of the Waterfall Trail. The seventh waterfall is in a narrow, rocky valley surrounded by dense forest with an attractive pool of crystal clear water. The scenery is perfect for a picnic and the pool invites a dip. Along the way to the waterfalls are huge strangling fig trees with spectacular basket-like trunks.

Gunung Gading, Kuching - the-waterfall-trail


A challenge jungle trail leads up to the summit of Gunung Gading, which is the highest peak at 965 m. The summit trail is a continuation of Trail 2, beginning at the seventh waterfall. From there, a long and steady climb of about  2.5-3.5 hours leads to the summit. The lower part is through beautiful dipterocarp forest with big trees and the possibility to see Rafflesia flowers. The trees gradually become shorter and beginning at about 700 m elevations, this forest gradually gives way to lower montane forest. At the summit was the location of British Army camp during the communist insurgency of the 1960`s. Remnants of the camp, a water tank, and barbed wire fencing, still remain.

An optional trek from Gunung Gading summit across a narrow saddle to Batu Berkubu is fairly easy but takes an additional 2.5-3.5 hours round trip. Trail markings are painted on trees but may be difficult to see during dark, rainy weather. The saddle has beautiful forest scenery. Batu Berkubu, which is on the flank of the Gunung Sebuloh, served as a communist base camp during the insurgency. This is a huge granite rock slab, as big as a house, which rests on two other massive rocks.


A helicopter pad, water tank and barbed wire fencing which existed since the communist insurgency of the 1960’s, still remain to this day and appear somewhat out of place in the middle of a national park. They are of historical significance and the staff intends to preserve the camp at the summit area as it has been there for the last 30 years.

Gunung Gading, Kuching - remnants-of-british-army-camp


Only waterfalls 1, 3 and 7 are signposted and accessible to visitors. Those who would like to take a break and rest, waterfall 3 (only a 10 metre detour from the waterfall trail) provides a pleasant resting spot. At waterfall 7, visitors can seize the chance to take a perfect dip in the pool surrounded by forest.

Gunung Gading, Kuching -seven-waterfall


Batu Berkubu, on the slopes of Gunung Sebuloh, served as a communist base camp during the insurgency. Although it is often called a cave it is, in fact, a huge rock which along with the surrounding trees provides a cave-like sheltering area.

Gunung Gading, Kuching - Batu-Berkubu

Learn more at Gunung Gading Website

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Borneo From Above Episode 2 – Serian 0 5909

BORNEO FROM ABOVE brings viewers on an adventure across the land of the Hornbills, Sarawak. The show will explore different interesting areas with arial views of their landscape, with history and backgrounds to allow the audience to have their own mini adventure with Borneo From Above all over Sarawak. Monuments, historical buildings, locations and stories, myths and legends that come together to form the individual and unique divisions, to form the land that we know now as Sarawak

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Pendapatan pelancongan Sarawak turun 68 peratus 0 5590

Pendapatan pelancongan Sarawak turun 68 peratus
KUCHING: Sarawak mengalami penurunan drastik 68 peratus pendapatan sektor pelancongan dalam tempoh Januari hingga September 2020 berbanding tempoh sama tahun lalu.
Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Lembaga Pelancongan Sarawak (STB) Sharzede Datu Salleh Askor berkata, perkara itu dilihat akibat kesan pandemik COVID-19.
Menurutnya, Sarawak hanya menjana RM 2.78 bilion setakat September 2020 berbanding RM 8.67 bilion tahun sebelumnya.
“Nilai resit pelancongan kita sehingga kini adalah RM 2.78 bilion, Januari hingga September tahun ini. Tahun lalu lebih tinggi tetapi sasaran kami untuk tahun ini ialah RM 3.56 bilion,” ujar Sharzede ketika diwawancara khas di pejabatnya baru-baru ini.
Selari dengan itu, jumlah pelawat memasuki negeri itu juga telah menurun sebanyak 65 peratus iaitu sebanyak 1.15 juta setakat september 2020.
Jelas Sharzede, biarpun STB telah mengubah strategi dan sasaran pelawat kepada 1.4 juta, trend peningkatan kes COVID-19 seluruh negara pada waktu ini menyukarkannya untuk dicapai.
Tambahnya lagi, kaedah perniagaan dan pemasaran pemain industri yang tidak mengadaptasi keadaan semasa juga menjadi punca penurunan itu.
Justeru ujar beliau, bagi mengatasi masa yang mencabar ini, pemain industri perlu menerima norma baharu dan menyesuaikan perniagaan mereka dengan trend pasaran.
“Saya fikir kita harus berani berdepan fakta yang kita mesti berubah sama ada suka atau tidak. Kita harus mengubah cara menjalankan perniagaan. Ubah cara kita melihat perkara.
“Dan sekiranya anda memilih pasaran khusus yang anda mahukan dengan harga yang tinggi maka anda mesti memberikan perkhidmatan yang setimpal dengan jumlah itu. Orang ramai sangat celik, sangat sensitif terhadap harga sekarang terutama pada masa sukar ini,” katanya. – Astro Awani
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